954.757.3121 |
4613 N. University Drive, #560
Coral Springs, Florida 33067 |

Kristy Wright, President/CEO |
VNA Family of Services, Western Pennsylvania
VNA Medical Equipment and Supplies is a small but growing HME company who
benefited greatly from AnCor Healthcare Consulting. Since contracting with additional
insurance companies a few years ago, our current processes were not capable of keeping
pace with the increased generated volume. Our accounts receivable and DSO were on
the rise and we also had newly hired intake staff to train. AnCor Healthcare Consulting
was recommended through a reliable source and the decision was made to seek their
help. This was a decision that proved to be correct as AnCor assessed our organization,
recommended and implemented workflow changes, trained new and existing staff,
optimized our software, recommended product line changes, and provided management
reporting to monitor the order-to-cash process.
AnCor’s process changes have helped in accomplishing our organizational goals of
increasing and maintaining our bottom line profitability and efficiencies. They remained
very accessible after their on sight visit for questions and follow-up to assure a seamless
transition. Mike and Karen were professional, courteous, committed, and a pleasure to
work with during and after the restructuring. I highly recommend AnCor Healthcare
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